UN Global Compact - France

Cover of the 2023 activity report of the UN Global Compact

Booklet for the 20th anniversery and annual report

Layout of different editions for the UN Global Compact - France: a booklet dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the UN Global Compact - France, a post-event booklet, the 2023 activity report as well as a summarized version.

overview of the 2023 activity report of the UN global compact
overview of the 2023 activity report of the UN global compact
20 years of the UN Global Compact booklet
Inside page of the 20 years of the UN Global Compact booklet
Inside page of the 20 years of the UN Global Compact booklet
Cover of the post 20 years booklet of the UN Global Compact
Page from the post 20 years of the UN Global Compact booklet